I have a dream ...
Family Race Resources
Below is a collection of resources to read, watch, and share around the topics of racism, culture, and faith.
Race Conversations From Our Family Volunteer Training
Race Conversations: Checking your own Heart |
Race Conversations: A Panel on Leading Families into Better Relationships |
We are living in a time of social unrest and injustice. As we see the news and hear the stories, how are we feeling? What are our reactions? If we are going to lead our next generation well, we must search our own hearts first. Join our pastors for a discussion on identifying the feelings in our own hearts to truly "seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly".
Speaker: Nithin Thompson |
With our current social climate, our students have questions. And so do their parents. We can bridge the gap by teaching our families to have relationships that are honest and real. It can all start with one conversation. Join our panel for this important discussion on leading families into better relationships with our black brothers and sisters.
Speakers: Deana Taylor, Jon Coords, Jonathan Wilson |