Little Kid Dates
**We've provided some links to get you started but remember, it's not about making it a fantastical Pinterest experience --
it's about connecting with your child!
Some date ideas are the same for both Big & Little Kids, but the links for making it age appropriate may be different.
it's about connecting with your child!
Some date ideas are the same for both Big & Little Kids, but the links for making it age appropriate may be different.
Karaoke Night - Set the "stage", make a mic, find a playlist and sing your heart out! Here are some helpful tips.
Snowball Fight - Organize "teams" for a real outdoor snowball fight or bring it inside with a special alternative snowball fight or like this one!
Go for a Treasure Walk - The "treasure" is entirely up to you! There are many "scavenger" walks you can take such as this or this.
Ice Cream Sundaes - Create a sundae bar like one of these or this.
Dance Party - All it takes is a little music and some silliness to make this a fun night. Wanna add some extras? Try some of these ideas.
Silly Photo Shoot - Create your own props or backdrops and say cheese! More ideas here.
Indoor Picnic - Spread out the picnic blanket on the floor, and prep your favorite meal just like this.
Pillow Fight - It doesn't take much to start a pillow fight with a little one but these ideas will add a little structure to help keep everyone safe!
Make Slime - Your little one will get a kick out of this slimy recipe made with just 3 ingredients!
Movie Night - Help your little ones have a successful Movie Night with these tips.
Classic Board Game Night - Grab some snacks and some of the best board games for your little one to make this a fun night!
Bake Cookies Together - Before you let your 2 year old crack the eggs, check out these tips on a successful baking experience.
Make Heart-Shaped Pancakes - Step stools, food coloring and squeeze bottles will make for a fun breakfast cooking feast.
Play Tag - Your little one will love the many versions of tag included here!
Make Sock Puppets - Repurpose those mismatched socks into sock puppets. Don't forget to have a puppet show when you are done creating them!
Blocks or Lego Night - Who knew there were so many ways to use blocks and Legos? These ideas will keep your littles busy for hours.
Play Charades - This list will help kids who are new to charades have a great time!
Do a Puzzle Together - Check out some of these best puzzles for younger kids. Doing a new puzzle together can be tons of fun or make it a competition to do as many of the puzzles you already have at home.
Build a Rocket Ship - You'll need an empty box a few other supplies to build this awesome rocket ship together!
Dry Erase Window Art - Dry erase markers + windows = hours of fun! You can draw pictures for each other, write/draw what you love about each other ... just like this!
Extra Bedtime Stories - Make a little extra time for some special stories or start a new bedtime stories routine like this one.
Sip & Finger-paint - Bring out the sippy cups and whip up a kid-safe batch of finger-paint.
Shaving Cream Fun - A can of shaving cream will bring a whole lot of happiness and connection for you (as long as you prepare for the mess)!
Build Blanket Forts - Pillows, blankets, couch cushions, chairs are just some of the supplies needed for this fun!
Drive-thru Dates - A trip to a nearby fast food drive-thru could be fun but also consider a farm drive-thru.
Create Clay or PlayDoh Sculptures - These sculptures can be made from items around the house.
Tea Party or Teddy Bear Picnic - Wear your best hat and bring Teddy to the table for a tea party or a teddy bear picnic.
Color & Listen to Music - Pick up a roll of craft paper/butcher paper, pull out the crayons (or go wild with markers) or purchase a coloring tablecloth. Put on some music and color your family masterpiece.
Snowball Fight - Organize "teams" for a real outdoor snowball fight or bring it inside with a special alternative snowball fight or like this one!
Go for a Treasure Walk - The "treasure" is entirely up to you! There are many "scavenger" walks you can take such as this or this.
Ice Cream Sundaes - Create a sundae bar like one of these or this.
Dance Party - All it takes is a little music and some silliness to make this a fun night. Wanna add some extras? Try some of these ideas.
Silly Photo Shoot - Create your own props or backdrops and say cheese! More ideas here.
Indoor Picnic - Spread out the picnic blanket on the floor, and prep your favorite meal just like this.
Pillow Fight - It doesn't take much to start a pillow fight with a little one but these ideas will add a little structure to help keep everyone safe!
Make Slime - Your little one will get a kick out of this slimy recipe made with just 3 ingredients!
Movie Night - Help your little ones have a successful Movie Night with these tips.
Classic Board Game Night - Grab some snacks and some of the best board games for your little one to make this a fun night!
Bake Cookies Together - Before you let your 2 year old crack the eggs, check out these tips on a successful baking experience.
Make Heart-Shaped Pancakes - Step stools, food coloring and squeeze bottles will make for a fun breakfast cooking feast.
Play Tag - Your little one will love the many versions of tag included here!
Make Sock Puppets - Repurpose those mismatched socks into sock puppets. Don't forget to have a puppet show when you are done creating them!
Blocks or Lego Night - Who knew there were so many ways to use blocks and Legos? These ideas will keep your littles busy for hours.
Play Charades - This list will help kids who are new to charades have a great time!
Do a Puzzle Together - Check out some of these best puzzles for younger kids. Doing a new puzzle together can be tons of fun or make it a competition to do as many of the puzzles you already have at home.
Build a Rocket Ship - You'll need an empty box a few other supplies to build this awesome rocket ship together!
Dry Erase Window Art - Dry erase markers + windows = hours of fun! You can draw pictures for each other, write/draw what you love about each other ... just like this!
Extra Bedtime Stories - Make a little extra time for some special stories or start a new bedtime stories routine like this one.
Sip & Finger-paint - Bring out the sippy cups and whip up a kid-safe batch of finger-paint.
Shaving Cream Fun - A can of shaving cream will bring a whole lot of happiness and connection for you (as long as you prepare for the mess)!
Build Blanket Forts - Pillows, blankets, couch cushions, chairs are just some of the supplies needed for this fun!
Drive-thru Dates - A trip to a nearby fast food drive-thru could be fun but also consider a farm drive-thru.
Create Clay or PlayDoh Sculptures - These sculptures can be made from items around the house.
Tea Party or Teddy Bear Picnic - Wear your best hat and bring Teddy to the table for a tea party or a teddy bear picnic.
Color & Listen to Music - Pick up a roll of craft paper/butcher paper, pull out the crayons (or go wild with markers) or purchase a coloring tablecloth. Put on some music and color your family masterpiece.